This Saturday! Don’t miss the Berklee Global Jazz Institute Faculty & Alumni 15 Year Concert Celebration at REGATTABAR Jazz club. (Oct 21 - 7:30pm) Featuring: Nadia Washington - vocals (US) Farayi Malek -vocals (US) Jireh Calo - vocals (Philippine) Angela Varo - violin (Spain) Jon Shillingford- tpt (US) Lihi Haruvi - sax (Israel) Patricia Zarate - sax (Chile) Samuel Batista- sax (Panama) Sebastian Fuentes- guitar (Chile) Jacob Means - Mandolin (US) Chase Morrin - piano (US) Witness Matlou - piano (South Africa) Jose Soto - piano (Costa Rica) Ian Ashby -bass (US) Greg Loughman - bass (US) Andre Sudol - drums (US) Lee Fish - drums (US) Jerry Leake - percussion (US) George Lernis - percussion (Cyprus) and specials guests! ***This concert is part of JazzBoston "Jazz All Ways" series