Musical Pathways from Asia Minor to the Mainland Greece

(EST, UTC-05) (EST, UTC-05)

Maliotis Cultural Center, 50 Goddard Ave, Brookline, MA

The Anatoliama Ensemble: Vasilis Kostas (laouto), George Lernis (percussion) and Panos Aivas (kanun) - invite master clarinetist from Greece Manos Achalinotopoulos and vocalist Aimilia Chalkia to present the concert “Musical Pathways from Asia Minor to the Mainland Greece”. Together on this journey of exploring the rich and various cultures within Greek traditional music are thirty more musicians-members of the St. Romanos the Melodist Byzantine Choir, directed by FrRomanos Karanos as well as the new members of the New England Greek Orchestra, a new educational program by the Anatoliama INC that allows American students based around the New England area to study systematically Greek traditional music in depth. This program is directed by George Lernis and Vasilis Kostas.

This initiative is sponsored by the Boston Byzantine Music Festival, a program of The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture, the Mass Cultural Council, the Maliotis Cultural Center of Hellenic College Holy Cross and the Behrakis Foundation.

Tickets available on eventbrite at We hope to see you all there!